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Get an inside look of the rapidly growing discipline of translational medicine! We present you the latest news and discoveries in this highly collaborative, multi-disciplinary field.

Often referred to as a „bench to bedside“ approach, transferring basic scientifical knowledge from laboratories and models to actual clinical practice, the term „translational medicine“ has yet to be uniformly defined.

A broad definition by Barry S. Coller from the Rockefeller University, NY defines translational medicine as:

„The application of the scientific method to address a health need.”

The term of Translational Medicine was first introduced in 1990s, though only starting to gain momentum in the 2000s. It originally described a medical area based on the „bench to bedside“ concept, primarily aiming to eliminate the barriers between basic research and clinical practice. In recent years important developments in computer science, material science, mechanical engineering and manufacturing widened the field.

„Translational Medicine is a bi-directional concept“

One important characteristic of Translational Medicine is its bidrectional character. This means, not only is it transferring knowledge from research to clinical practice, but is also providing helpful feedback about the application. Therefore, it is offering basic research excellent ideas and suggestions to further improve methods and verify models.

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